Tuesday 10 December 2013

Pick Wick Magazine - Issue #1 feature

Last week I was honoured to feature in the very first issue of the completely gorgeous Pick Wick magazine.

There's a great little interview with me about my childhood and how it's influenced the way I work in illustration today.  Aside from a bit of an editing-whoopsie with the surname typo (actually happens quite a lot..) it's a really lovely feature with insightful questions and a double page spread of my Wren and The Bear illustration.  

My favourite question was definitely 'Funniest childhood memory?', I was a bit of an imaginative (odd?) child:
'I remember every April Fool's day I would run in to my Mum and Dad's bedroom and shout "MUM! DAD! THERE'S A DRAGON IN THE GARDEN!" of course they played along checking outside, and I sure thought I was quite the trickster!'

There are a couple of other really fantastic illustrators featured as well - the super talented Genie Espinosa and fellow Enchanted Forest exhibitor Emma Block (yup, also very talented!).  The magazine is in fact edited by the lovely Sara Cullen too (I have some of her prints on my walls). Talent everywhere!

Liverpool based Pick Wick showcases all kinds of creative practice from artists to furniture designers and reports on music, fashion, art and events.  Definitely pick up a copy if you can, I for one can't wait to get my mits on their future issues! www.facebook.com/pickwickmagazine @PickWickMag