Wednesday 13 March 2019

Emmeline In Black Crown Omnibus Comic

What a treat to get this gorgeously hefty copy of Black Crown Omnibus through my door! Last year I was commissioned to create my first internationally published comic for IDW's imprint Black Crown, and you can now see it again in big ol' omnibus format in this new collection!

The book features loads of amazing comics from the issues of Black Crown Quarterly, as well as all of the 'Hey Amateur!' one-page features (like my 'How to spot a galaxy' story) in full, glorious colour.  There are some really incredible stories in this book (yeah, I'm a tiny bit bias, but still...), and it's been a joy to dip into and enjoy reading through it with a brew.

My story is part instructional, with two lovely characters guiding you (and each other) through finding constellations, mythology and galaxies whilst stargazing at the night sky.

I've always loved stargazing, and I (nerdily) spent hours on a VERY slow computer game where you traipsed around the galaxy trying to spot constellations and use those as signposts to find galaxies or specific star clusters - so that inspired this comic heavily!

I love staying curious and I enjoy constantly learning new things, so the Hey Amateur series really spoke to me as both a creator and a reader! I highly recommend them. If you want to read more about the process of creating my 'How To Spot A Galaxy' comic, head to my post here!

If you fancy your own copy of Black Crown Omnibus, you can grab one for yourself online or in your favourite comic shops!

Tuesday 5 March 2019

Illustrating For Kate Slater's Refuge Tree Project

I'm SO pleased to have been part of Kate Slater's amazing Refuge Tree project! There's almost a hundred amazing female-identifying illustrators involved, each producing artwork on a section of a huge tree collage, with individual pieces auctioned this week in aid of @Refugecharity (a charity which works to end domestic violence), AND the full tree displayed in London Review Bookshop!

I used Kuretake watercolours, @winsorandnewton gouache and @penteluk fineliners for my blossomy piece. 🌸 The plum tree outside of my house is currently in full blossom, so I couldn't resist adding some beautiful, giant blooms to my painting. I love drawing my characters reading, so I had to sneak a book in there!

The full display looks incredible, so make sure you take a peek on Kate's blog and keep an eye out for how to bid in the auction later this week!

Friday 1 March 2019

A Year's Worth Of Nona The Ninth Comic Wrapped Up!

I finished making a year's worth of Nona The Ninth comics today! It's been a great challenge to work on a monthly comic, and it feels pretty emotional to wrap up the story arc for now. I've really enjoyed drawing Nona and exploring/researching all kinds of science experiments, Victorian history and silly family moments. I'm looking forward to revisiting her soon (maybe in book form)! But for now I'm feeling pretty good to have achieved this! The last few strips will be in GOOF comic over the next couple of months ❤️