Friday, 26 June 2015

Overly Critical Music Snob Cat

I've been meaning to take part in Off Life Magazine's quick draw challenge for a while, and luckily for me they fired it back up a few weeks ago and I jumped on board.

The basic idea is: they tweet a theme, and you have one hour to respond to it with an illustration. This week, the theme was 'weirdest thing I've seen at a festival', and I ran with it, creating overly-critical-music-snob-cat

I just loved the idea of this little guy roaming around the festival stages, in full pretentious snark mode. I think we've all heard someone making comments like this at one point or another...

I do love the pressure of a timed drawing challenge, and it's always so satisfying when you realise you've sprouted an idea and created something that might never have happened if you hadn't taken part. I'm even feeling inspired to write a story now!

Join in with next week's quick draw challenge by following Off Life on Twitter (Thursdays 8pm GMT!)

*Slightly larger version of the illustration available here.


  1. That sounds like a fantastic experience! The Off Life quick draw Incredibox Mustard challenge is a great way to spark creativity. Your concept of a pretentious music-snob cat is hilarious and relatable—perfect for festivals!

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