Wednesday 15 July 2015

What Emmeline Wore In July - Day 15

More or less at the half way mark of this project, and I can feel the benefits of such an intense challenge on my illustration process: It takes a lot less time for me to create something I'm proud of, I'm far more comfortable illustrating natural poses without reference, I have a better understanding of illustrating the way clothes fit and hang in a variety of fabrics, improved character continuity, I have a clearer idea of which types of illustration get the best response, I'm more inspired and motivated in general AND, most importantly, I'm having a lot of fun! 

It can be hard to stay motivated to create every day, but with monthly challenges like this (and Inktober, Illustrated Advent etc) you have that drive (and self-set obligation) to illustrate even if you're feeling a bit lazy. It's good to head towards a goal! 

At some point (maybe a while after this challenge has finished to give me a little bit of a break) I'm going to organise a group 30-day illustration challenge (theme TBA), so if that's something you'd like to take part in let me know and keep an eye out!

Cardigan - Monsoon (out of stock, similar items here and here)
Jeans - Boohoo

Remember you can keep up to date with the project by following 'What I Wore' on my blogBloglovin'Google Friend Connect or following Emmeline Illustration on Twitter or Facebook.


  1. Really interesting to see how you are learning from this. Your work always looks so effortless. I would love to take part in any future challenge. I'm currently running a challenge on my blog to try and encourage people who don't normally draw to start sketching - so it would be good to practice what I preach!

    1. That's a great idea, Polly! The first step is often the trickiest!

      Thank you :-)
