Saturday 29 October 2016

What Emmeline Wore In October - Day 29

Okay, as you can probably tell, this is not my usual attire. Tonight I'm going to my friend's Halloween party! Her party last year was incredible, decorations everywhere, and absolutely everyone in fancy dress. 

This year I've been in a bit of flap about my costume, I had huge plans, but between illustrating, house-hunting, learning to drive and well, living life, I just absolutely ran out of time. Most of this afternoon was spent running around Chorley charity shops looking for some weird outfit I could work with for an awesome costume, but alas, the sea of charity shops did not provide a bounty. 

So I've decided to cobble together some items I have at home and I'm going to be going as a evil woodland fairy/spirit, I haven't actually changed into my costume yet, so this illustration has acted as a sort of costume design process for me. Hopefully it will look okay! I'm about to start making the wings...

If you're interested in this outfit in general, the dress is from Next outlet, and the wings are, well, handmade by me. Have a happy Halloween party night everyone!

You can see the less spooky illustrations in the series using the hashtag #wewio on TwitterTumblrFacebook and Instagram, or over on Bloglovin'


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