Monday 31 October 2016

What Emmeline Wore In October - Day 31 - The Last In The Series!

I can't believe we're here! Day 31! I did it! An outfit illustration each day for 31 days. It's been an amazing month, and I really hope you've enjoyed following the What Emmeline Wore In October series. 

At the moment the Thought Bubble Festival preparations are in full swing, but as it's Halloween I'm definitely going to put aside a little time to carve a pumpkin and get together with friends to watch some spooky films tonight. We've also got an amazing boardgame called 'Betrayal At House On The Hill', which is all about exploring a haunted house co-operatively, before one or more of the players turns evil in one of 53 different scenarios! I can't recommend it enough (especially for Halloween!).

Today I'm keeping with the orange pumpkin theme and I'm wearing my cute little orange high-heeled boots from Boohoo, along with my black tights from Topshop and what I like to call my "confidence dress". I bought this dress from H&M last year, on a day where I overcame a lot of anxiety and did something I thought I could never do - it was a treat, and it's stayed with me as a dress to wear on days where I need that little extra reminder that "I got this" and that I can be a lot stronger than I think I can be, sometimes. You might also recognise it from the press photos from the Freelancer of the Year awards in June - it definitely helped a lot that day, I was a bit floored by that win! So, today, I'm not dramatically facing any personal goals, but it's just such a gorgeous dress (and actually looks a little bit like my drawings!) that some days I just wear it to feel like I'm wrapped up in art. 

I think I'm going to miss doing these illustrations when tomorrow hits! Keep an eye out for the full final round-up of the project - I'll post it up this week!

If you want to see all 31 illustrations, you can follow the hashtag #wewio on TwitterTumblrFacebook and Instagram, or over on Bloglovin'. Here's to facing challenges, and making it through!

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